Friday, April 18, 2008

RDA ready for Flats presentation

Iacobucci is scheduled to present it's $5 million proposal to develop the Flats at Monday evening's meeting of the Coatesville Redevelopment Authority.

Start time is 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Be there or ... wait to read about it in Tuesday's Daily Local News.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the record, the "it's" in the intro should have been "its"

Were you a product of our fine local school system?

April 20, 2008 at 9:04 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone has way too much time on their hands!!!! What's next the font size and color?

April 20, 2008 at 1:08 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prospective residents should think long and hard before considering buying anything constructed by Iacobucci!! It is common knowledge that they cut corners on homes and residents in both Delaware and Chester have had numerous problems costing them thousands of dollars to repair. Once this outfit is finished with a project they change the name and wash their hands of it. Yet again, they are a perfect example of an unethical company who makes money off the suffering of others. Trust me, two former projects tried to take them to court to make things right and hundreds of us were left paying dearly. Many homes were not wrapped in Tyvek and some had huge gaps where insulation was not used at all. I love my neighbors, but continue to disappointed with the errors made by the builders. BEWARE!!!!

April 21, 2008 at 4:31 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is this botched development that you speak of located?

April 21, 2008 at 1:38 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of the houses at Millview were wrapped with Tyvek. It's a nice feature, but it is not code.

April 21, 2008 at 5:56 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the article that the 'proposal brings applause for Flats'. Now I'm all for this proposal with the exception of 1 point. Specifically a grocery store. The article mentions that it would be hard to bring a major store in but we could get Aldi or Save-a-Lot (which would be good for the blue collar worker). Are you kidding me? What are they thinking? You want to build townhouses and commerical stores and put in a Save-a-lot? Folks remember if you do what you always did you get what you always got. We have a 'blue collar grocery store' (Amelia's Grocery Outlet) in Thorndale. Yeah someone could counter 'but when you don't have any it's a start'. A start for what? Think big set the line in the sand further then most. The worse that can happen is that ACME or Giant don't come but what if they do? Up the road is Walmart down the road is Giant - sounds to me that someone might take a shot at building a big store (especially with townhouses and a Marriott being built). Maybe I'm crazy folks what do we have to lose? The school district wants to add more taxes my home price keeps going down. We have to take a shot if not for the community then for the kids.
This is our last shot!

April 22, 2008 at 10:34 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This past weekend i saw harry walker sitting in front of the new coffee shop in Downingtown on the corner across from the banks. too bad there isn't a coffee shop in coatesville's downtown for him or any other resident in coatesville to enjoy. putting in a sav-a-lot sure isn't going to help get one there either.

we need to dream big and more importnatly we need to have the leadership in place to show the citizens what a little dreaming could get us. right now we have neither

April 22, 2008 at 10:59 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe it's them saying no to GIANT or ACME, I believe they were just stating the most likely leasee of the property if they build it. Giant and Acme get to choose where they rent and move. They were just stating that those stores are close and may not get enough business to meet their business model and requirements. Either way i will be glad to see businesses and unsubsidized housing go up within the city limits.

April 22, 2008 at 11:25 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you check the Better Business Bureau you will find almost all the major builders around here have issues, not just Iacobucci.

April 22, 2008 at 6:21 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I hope council and the RDA are not going to sit around and "think" about these offers for another 6 months. By then they may have faded away.

April 23, 2008 at 3:41 AM 

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