Tuesday, July 15, 2008

All the right Toolez

For years people in Coatesville followed Shamon Tooles basketball game -- first at CASH and then for the University of Connecticut Huskies. Now, he hopes people in his hometown and everywhere else will follow his budding hip-hop career as Toolez.

The story that originally appeared in Saturday's paper can be read here. Video of Toolez rapping at a Coatesville studio earlier this month can be seen below (It may begin after a quick advertisement).

To listen to more of Toolez' music, visit: www.myspace.com/officialtoolez.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he used to be a drug dealer??

July 15, 2008 at 5:13 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use to be nothing. I'm sure he still is

July 16, 2008 at 6:18 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No ahole's he went to college, unlike you. Graduated, and played basketball overseas. What old white people dont understand about rap music is that they just making lyrics up, like the movies. Do you really think Marlon Brandow was really a mafia don. Rap music is an art. If he were a painter would you ask the same question. Or is it because he's from Coatesville. Would you ask the same question if he was from your lovely West Chester, which accordingly to the Daily Lacka News never has any crime. Or is it because he is black. If you want to say things about Coatesville's city manager,police chief, or city council, fine. They deserve it. But don't slander people you probaly never met.

July 16, 2008 at 7:47 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think rap music is an art than you need to get out in the world alittle more and see what art is. I did go to college in Connecticut and have traveled the world rap is not art. I'm sure to some it is music but it really isn't even that. But that is my opinon. Everyone has one just like everyone has an Anus.

July 16, 2008 at 8:48 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you have to use curse words to make a song that is NOT art. Rap music is connected to drugs and the "thug" lifestyle. More refined folks don't listen to rap. I went to college too. Thanks.

July 16, 2008 at 9:58 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's safe to say that people with greater intelligence than apes don't listen to rap. It's an abhorrent style of music, with degrading lyrics, and it's no wonder why rappers (and those who listen to them) never amount to anything.

July 16, 2008 at 10:02 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear cars stopped at the stop sign in front of my house with rap music blaring out of their cars. Every other word is the "F" word or "N" word. Plus most of these cars have children in them. It's really appalling but mostly sad that these kids will amount to pretty much the same as their parents (or in most cases in coatesville parent)

July 16, 2008 at 11:41 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safe to say I am worldly,serving in the Marine Corps, been everywhere from Japan to Samalia, served '92-'96. The point I was trying to make you all proved me right. Would you consider Elvis (the greatest theif ever) an artist. Remember when you were kids and your parents didnt want you to listen to him. Remember dont show him from the waist up. Just like the Daily Lacka they only want you to fear black people, by only putting money on ignorant rappers, to reinforce stereotypes,and break down their self esteem. Not the ones who don't use that type of language. I could educate you on which ones are not on your socalled "thug" list. Anyway your kids probably have a Jay-Z download or 2.

July 16, 2008 at 8:22 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I wouldn't consider Elvis an artist either. Etta James now there is an artist. I'm sure all rap is not as disturbing as what I hear outside my house. Thanks for enlightening me. Have a grea day!
Also thank you for serving our country!

July 17, 2008 at 3:38 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen to SADE, now there is beautiful black music! (go on you tube and enter a search). Anybody agree??

July 17, 2008 at 6:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check of the crime statistics and simply take a look at the way black people act - like terrorists thugs shooting and raping each other. That is why people are afraid of them. I am not afraid of Colin Powell, Barack Obama or Bill Cosby, I am afraid of the ghetto thugs that wander the streets all night. Are all blacks thugs no - but are the majority - yes.

I think instead of blaming the white man you need to look at your own community and take responsibility for it. I am not saying all blacks are not responsible, but let's face it - it is black on black crime that is the problem and it is irresponsible parents that are the problem and it is the failure of blacks to assimilate that is the problem. Hispanics don't seems to have a problem with the white man - they can't speak english yet they work multiple jobs instead of taking handouts and complaining. You could learn something from the hispanics family values and work ethic.

July 18, 2008 at 6:20 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am appalled at the racism and ignorance reflected in the comments of the individuals who post on this blog. Every black person is not a drug dealer anymore than every white person is a member of the KKK. Human beings living in poverty tend to lean toward certain behaviors which include crime and violence. In this country, blacks and Hispanics tend to be the poorest, most undereducated populations and the general consequence is that more crime and violence take place in their communities. Whites living in similar circumstances tend to behave in the same manner, hence the general public opinion that whites living in "trailers" or "mobile homes" tend to to be more violent and commit more crimes than others. The problems in Coatesville have more to do with generations of families living in poverty rather than with their race. I do not think that the issue here is one of where to place the blame, but a question of how to take these families out of poverty. Truthfully, in the City of Coatesville black, white, and Hispanic residents are living well below the medium income of the rest of Chester County and many are living in poverty. Other communities and cities have had similar experience with crime and poverty: and they have dealt with their problems without such racist, disrespectful commentary about their neighbors.

Also, it pains me to hear that assimulation into society is about getting along with "the white man." In a civilized society it is not necessary for every individual to assimulate or to get along with "the white man." Individuals in a civilized society respect the differences in the culture, religion, and socialization of their neighbor. I object to the commission of crimes by anyone (even crimes committed against drug dealers), but I object even more strongly to the ideal that we all need to get along with "the white man." What is most important is that human beings act with respect towards each other. "Rap music" is just as much an art form as modern art, classical music, country music or any other cultural or social expression. You may not like the artistic expression of the rap artist, but at the very least you should show some respect for the people who do enjoy that form of music. Perhaps the individuals on this blog are experiencing disrespect, because they are disrespectful of others.

July 20, 2008 at 7:58 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rap sucks period!

July 22, 2008 at 6:04 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't say nothing nice don't say anything at all. I really don't listen to rap but I heard one of his songs and it was okay. He is a very respectable guy. Toolez continue to live your dream and don't worry about the dream killers. Hi hater Bye haters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 20, 2008 at 5:22 PM 

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