Monday, November 3, 2008

Coatesville's Financial Outlook

Here is a paper copy of the presentation Fairmount Capital Advisers, Inc., delivered to city council on Oct. 27.

Coatesville Fairmount Capital Presentation.pdf


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it seems that until we get the ball rolling on the flats and any development were stuck. As important as this election was next years City Council re-election is just as important. One can only hope we can get some people in here that can start to get the ball rolling for a change.

November 5, 2008 at 8:44 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There will need to be a replacement with the right people for it to work.

November 5, 2008 at 10:01 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a little annoyed (to put it mildly) at last weeks city council meeting at some city council members. When the fellow gave his report on the city finances it took a little while to show the slides and explain them, after a few minutes a certain city council member spoke up and said to him "how much longer is this going to take because some of us want to get home to watch the game" He was speechless for a second and then gave a reply. PEOPLE! the ball game is just that A GAME! the city finances on the other hand, is a REALITY! they really need to get their priorties straight. Coatesville is going to be in a financial hole for some time to come if drastic measures are not taken!

November 5, 2008 at 4:01 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you tell us who that person was that made that statement? Just want to make sure they are the first person replaced next year.

November 5, 2008 at 6:02 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should start looking into the city's finance office. Rumour has it that a "consultant" came into city hall and downloaded the city's finance records and payroll information onto his own personal laptop computer. Also a little birdie says that when he was asked to submit to a background check he refused and ran to Harry Walker and he said don't worry about it. I'm not sure if he is even an American citizen!

November 6, 2008 at 5:48 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Coatesville should rethink the natural gas plant for the Flats. That would go a long way insolving the financial problems!

November 6, 2008 at 7:34 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A natural gas plant would kill this town. Why in Gods name would anyone want to create a business with that across the street. Makes no sense!

November 6, 2008 at 12:06 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Gentleman and his associate that gave the financial report at the council meeting appeared to me to be American. Maybe you are talking about one of Harry's buddies that sneeked into city hall and copied the finance reports. I don't see any harm in any one having them if they can help cut expenses and increase revenue. $$$$$

November 6, 2008 at 1:02 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Dick Saha would be willing to move his horse FARM down on the flats.
One weed farm is as good as another right? At least we would be getting income for the grazing rights.
We had a light shining on the big C when the last council was in place. They were by no means perfect but after these three years of change WOW who needs more of this corrective help. AFTER THREE YEARS yes they are responsible for the current blight we are experiencing so you are aware SAHA

C START SEEKING and encouraging responsible, intellegent, well read, well mannered and have an idea how to manage money needs to get elected.

Still shacking my head in wonderment.

November 6, 2008 at 5:27 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the comment "a natural gas plant would kill this town," uh, haven't you noticed? Coatesville is next to dead already. Give me a break! In today's economy, the gas plant would be the best thing going for Coatesville. Then maybe developers would move forward in rehabbing downtown, building a hotel, condos, etc. The gas plant would be a move forward.

November 7, 2008 at 7:04 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First question do you live in Coatesville? I do so I can talk from firsthand experience about the town (and it ain't dead). Why would developers build a inpatient/outpatient center here if it was dead? Second if you were a developer of anything (houses, shopping malls, etc.) and you had a gas plant built right next to the area you wanted to develop would you consider building honestly? Third tell me what the plant would bring? Honestly tell me why I would want to build a shopping center or a restaurant across from an Iron Mill and a gas plant? So with all due respect the answer is no one would. Name a gas plant in a town where developers have built up the whole area around? You most likely can't because it would never happen. If they tried that idea in Conshy, Mananyunk, or Phoenixville none of those towns would have had the redevelopment they have now. So I can't see how having a gas plant here helps the community. Maybe moving it down the road away from the city might but sticking it where the flats are is a terrible idea.

November 7, 2008 at 11:19 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coatesville does have money problems. It is what most of you do not know that is even worse. The city can make it and move forward, but it needs real management. The city continues to spend piles of money on there lawyers, defending there screw ups. They pay an HR group 5k a month, for what? Go into city hall at anytime, it is like a ghost town. Walker shoes up at like noon every day, hung over, and half the other offices are always empty. The city is over paying its unqualified dept heads and there never there!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone was remotely surprised by what the early intervention idea said, then there the fool. It was a no brainer. I remember the Rev.Liar Schenk praising Walker as he will fix our money problems. Well, here we are paying someone else to do it. Where does it end? They fired rick dean because he would not play by walkers rules!!! Wow, does that not remind you of the termination of the very qualified Liz McQuiston??? Or Matt Gordon? Or the fact that all but one of the finance staff walked out? How about the 14 cops that left, or the removal of Jean Krack? The bloc of four & possibly the walker lovin Jorgenson family need to go! Be sure to vote in May, the madness must end!

Here we are mid nov, no sign of a budget! Doesn't much matter, thyte accuse Janssen of padding numbers and they do the same thing.

November 8, 2008 at 6:47 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more wiht the recent post about padding numbers. They gave Jean Krack two months to do something and when it didn't happen they fired him. Now three years later Mr. Walker has accomplished nothing but collect money for himselfand his "friends". I dare anybody to show me Harry's accomplishments for the City. Especially that "I'll follow Harry anywhere" Kurt Schenk. Come on Shenck speak up at the meeting and list what he has done.

November 10, 2008 at 5:50 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Gas Works idea should be switched to a Hot Air plant instead. Sounds like there is ample of that here.

A slide show about Finances is not going to move anything--might as well be the game on there. Don't you get it? It's a dog and pony show at best.

The best way to get results is to task the city council with a reasonable and "do-able" check list for each fiscal year. Have real expectations and not champagne dreams. Bite off only what you can chew and take another bite as you are able.

Step 1 - Control Spending
Step 2 - Check Taxation/Incomes Etc
Step 3 - Secure Public Services
Step 4 - Set local ordinance / pass very tough crime laws and enforce them
Step 5 - Insist on good PR from local papers etc--don't settle for bad press
Step 6 - Use the good press to hook quality developers
Step 7 - Get the Steel Mill to give up their unused land or joint venture with them to develop it
Step 8 - build a mall, offices, hotel
Step 9 - fix the big bump at 82 and Route 30 intersection
Step 10 - Review expectations and results every year without exception--if not met, don't settle for junk answers--insist on positive results.

December 29, 2008 at 2:10 PM 

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