Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Finance Meeting Wednesday

City Council is slated to hold a finance meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday in City Hall, during which Council and City Manager Harry Walker will discuss the administration's proposal to withdraw $900,000 from the city's trust fund to cover what Walker has characterized as arson-related public safety costs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read that the city carried over an almost $800,000 deficit from 2008. With all the problems going on the most painful thing is the decreasing value of the trust fund. The water authority was sold for over 39 million dollars and now it's around 21 million.

It's no different than when you get a big lump sum of money at one time within your own household, like say income tax. If you don't do something productive with that money almost as soon as you get it, eventually it dwindles down and you have nothing to show for it.

That's the biggest shame here, the money has and is dwindling and the fear is there will never be anything to show for it.

This next withdraw will take it below the 50% of the original value, if it's not there already. That means it's on the downhill side now where things speed up. A damn shame.

February 18, 2009 at 4:41 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is anyone surprised at the $800,000 deficit? Walker & Co came to C'ville to do one thing... line their pockets! Those pockets have a beautiful, expensive, silk lining right now.

During the time Harry G has been here he has steadfastly refused to produce a balance sheet. Does anyone in the city administration or on council actually KNOW how much money is being spent by Harry G and his cronies? Credit cards, rental properties, phones, vehicles, rental furniture, wining & dining, etc.

This is a crime ridden city that is on a downhill ride and guess what folks...there are no brakes on this ride! Where and why did Harry move the city pension fund? How much money has he taken out of that fund and why? Where are Walker and Matthews spending the state and federal Weed & Seed monies? Not to 'Shop with a Cop' or PAL. Ask the questions. Follow the money! It will all lead to those expensive, silky, pockets that you are paying for now and for a long time to come.

February 18, 2009 at 8:05 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coatesville needs to tighten their belt like Philly is doing right now.
Take drastic measures or else state takeover is on the horizon.
I still can't forget the night the auditing company was giving their report at the council meeting(last year) and a certain council person said how much longer is this going to take I want to go home to watch the football game! Just shows you where their interest was at. This is not a game folks!!

February 18, 2009 at 1:07 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would State takeover be that bad?

Maybe it could be a chance for us to get some solid rules in place regarding accountability of officials.

Face the facts, Coatesville has long been veiwed as the armpit of society. The only ones who have done well here are either criminals, drug addicts, and slimebags.

Now is the time for change. Matthews says he's gonna leave...He should...He never fulfilled his contract with the city. When will the state of emergency be over so that he can go on his way? And who will decide when that happens ?

Walker has, for a long time, been hiding things from the city, and I am reminded of the saying "Once a Liar...". He has effectively run our city down to a nub. What we once could be proud of, we are now ashamed of.

Let's join together to let council know that Matthews and Walker need to go NOW.

Jen, any chance of a blog post specifically for citizens to tell what they feel should be done?

February 19, 2009 at 6:02 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is a state takeover implemented? What are the pro's and cons? Seems it can't be anything worse.

February 19, 2009 at 8:29 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was born and raised in Coatesville. I lived there until I was 30. All of my family still live in Coatesville. It sounds like the city is run by crooks and has become an urban blight. I thought it was in bad shape when I was in high school...They should take a bulldozer and start at 1st Ave. and just run it through all the way to East End. Then they could sell the land. It would be worth more demolished than it is the way it looks now.

February 19, 2009 at 1:18 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration but the comment about the bulldozer is very unproductive.

It's amazing that sometimes it takes a crisis to bring people together. The recent fires have actually brought C-ville together. Together to fight a common enemy.

This has brought out into the open some slimmy activity by the City Manager. I believe he will be gone soon and this is the last year for this council.

Every cloud has a silver lining. This is a very unfortunate and costly one but it may be the force that finally turns things around.

February 20, 2009 at 4:51 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice new Jaguar Mr. Walker

February 20, 2009 at 9:46 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His old one needed tires, I guess that was a reason to trade it in!

February 20, 2009 at 5:10 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will no doubt try to blame the previous administration for the shortfall, oh and probably the Codes Dept.

February 22, 2009 at 2:46 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't trust a word from Harry Walker he thinks he's so slick. He Is now recruiting candidates to run for council. he is actively supporting four candidates who will in effect be the new and not so improved block of Five. this includes Patsy Ray, Kurt Schenk, someone named Stonewall, and a possibility of someone named Whitlow, oh and karenjorgenson makes five. out with the old in with the new I supose.

February 23, 2009 at 7:34 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If thats true about Walker looking for candidates, what happen to Kareen Jackson. Did he get kicked to the curb? if you go to the meetings he 's the only one that acts like he has a brain besides Simpson and Eggleston.

February 23, 2009 at 1:41 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean Kareem Johnson. I think it's funny that Walker is looking for Candidates. Neither the GOP or the DEMS would want anything to do with him. Tonight should be interesting to see if Walker's action (taking the money out of the Trust w/o informing the Council) will lead to criminal action and his termination.

February 23, 2009 at 2:23 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"kareen jackson"? wow! are you kidding me?

February 23, 2009 at 8:45 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it amazes me how harry walker is still in office. he was kicked out of wilmington, yet everyone here thinks he is the first coming (so to speak). This guy May have a degree (which i do too), yet that doesnt mean he is qualified for ACTUAL day to day activities. Just because you read something in a book doesnt qualify you for the real world.

February 26, 2009 at 5:38 PM 
Blogger MichaelZemacke said...

I am wondering who gave walker the authority of withdrawing $535.000 from the water authority trust fund in the year 2007 and what 2 council members signed for him. As you should know 2 members must sign and karen jorgensen was president of council at the time. Whomever signed should join walker in jail. What was the money used for?

October 9, 2009 at 7:25 AM 

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