Friday, January 29, 2010

Questioning a lease agreement

Harry Walker, the city manager placed on paid administrative leave, reportedly approved a lease agreement for a property without City Council’s approval, officials said at a recent meeting.

Interim City Manager Kirby Hudson informed council last Monday night that Walker approved a lease with Leonard Smoker to farm the Conti property, 64 acres in the northwest corner of routes 82 and 340 in neighboring West Brandywine. Coatesville acquired it several years ago as part of a failed plan to develop a municipal golf course and training complex.

“So Mr. Walker took it upon himself to lease the property?” asked City Council President Ed Simpson.

What do you think about Walker approving this agreement without City Council's approval?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Harry simply pocket the $ on this ? Is this enough to cut his contract ? Either way, I'm sure this is just one of many more things to come to light

January 29, 2010 at 1:06 PM 
Blogger James Pitcherella said...

I think it’s not at all about paying out Harry G’s contract or not. If he did like you say, “simply pocket the $ on this “, it’s about Harry going to prison for 5 to 10 on a corrupt public official charge. I believe the FBI is checking it out.

January 30, 2010 at 4:58 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How was this discovered and how long has the lease been in effect? Probably one of many acts of theft....the poor people of Coatesville are continuing to endure the fact their hard earned money is being used to pay for what appears to be corruption in its finest. Cut Walker loose from the purses of the Coatesville taxpayers! Pay him his worth....a big fat zero.

January 30, 2010 at 7:43 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray that not onlny is he CUT, but that he does time and has to make restitution to the city, as should Matthews since they BOTH breeched their contracts!

January 31, 2010 at 8:07 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AS a former resident of Coatesville and been generally happy with the city as a child I am just disappointed that nothing positive has happened in years. It is time that the leaders, government and civic, come together and develop a plan that works and stop spending money on things that don't. It was a great place to grow up and can return to this with a strong effort by all.

February 5, 2010 at 7:10 AM 
Blogger James Pitcherella said...

I think the recent history of Coatesville is fairly simple:
1989-1990s Ernie Campos, Richard Legree and others were in Coatesville’s government. The Young Guns” terrorized Coatesville and drug dealers controlled the streets.

By 1995 Janssen Administration dried up the drug business and made it impossible for a major dealer to live within the Coatesville City limits.

1996- Ernie Campos, Richard Legree and others “elected” the “Bloc of Four”. Within 6 months the drug business was better than ever; gunshots were almost a daily occurrence and the city was overrun with arson. More than 100 police officers and police officials made a surprise visit to a City Council meeting to protest Coatesville’s PD nearly being cut in half and Lt. Matt Gordon, Coatesville’s chief narcotics officer, put on “administrative leave”.

2010-Richard Legree is deceased and Ernie Campos is out of government. We have a new Coatesville City Council of intelligent thoughtful people. I believe Campos and many others are a part of the FBI investigation. I think the people who have ruined Coatesville for years may finally be put away. It may take a while but Coatesville is on an upward curve.

February 5, 2010 at 8:07 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You forgot to mention that Paul Jannssen robbed the city of MILLIONS of dollars. Why wasn't he ever investigated??

February 5, 2010 at 10:17 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janssen was also in bed with the fire union, which continues to rape the city with it's carpetbagger members. They called him "their political ally" ! Janssen needs to be wearing an orange jumpsuit that reads, Dept of Corrections along with some of his cronies!!

February 6, 2010 at 3:55 AM 
Blogger James Pitcherella said...

Maybe the Volunteer Fire companies are part of the FBI investigation in Coatesville. The arsons did not happen in a vacuum. I think the investigation has been going on about 5 years now.

February 6, 2010 at 7:05 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Municipalities with IAFF locals have a much higher occurance of arsons than municipalities that dont.....FACT!
Walker is a novice at deception. I think he should have gone years ago. But Janssen is the master who made our trust fund go....poof and then left to try again in Norristown.

February 6, 2010 at 8:13 PM 
Blogger James Pitcherella said...

Or did 32 questionable and possibly frivolous lawsuits that I feel most of which should not have been accepted by the courts and all of which the City of Coatesville won make the trust fund go?

February 7, 2010 at 6:56 PM 
Blogger James Pitcherella said...

It’s “We the People” not I the property owner. We fought a war of independence against a big time property owner named King George.

February 8, 2010 at 6:48 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Janssen is a hero.

Janssen didn't rob the city blind.

The Fire Union isn't raping the city, controlling their own contracts, and plundering the citizens

The volunteers are arsonists

City council is full of "intellegent people" who have come to "save the day" (Obama-Dem. campaign-ish much?)

Yeah, pretty strong facts you have there.

Typical political nit-wit, got nothing else to say so i'll throw in some good ol U S of A history qoutes.

February 8, 2010 at 11:06 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no "property owners" in the USA. We all rent from the school districts, counties and municipalities. If we don't pay our rent, they will seize our property and sell it to get their rent.

It's a lousy system.

Many senior citizens, who have paid off their mortgate to the bank, are finding they don't have enough income to continue to pay rent to the school districts and municipalities.

Again, it's a lousy system.

February 10, 2010 at 1:34 PM 

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