Friday, April 23, 2010

Official:'The Honeymoon is Over'

City Council approved a change order for the Riverwalk project Wednesday night – a decision that prompted some contentious discussion over responsibility and attention to details.

Council ultimately approved the change order which was needed for the removal and disposal of contaminated soil at the site.

“We put something out to bid knowing it was wrong … everybody knew that land was contaminated,” said City Council President Ed Simpson. “The honeymoon period is over. People need to be held accountable.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the land is contaminated. Does that surprise anybody? I wish the city well, but...

Is the riverwalk even a good idea now? It sorta made sense when the Janssen plan was in place.

But now? Who do they expect to use it?

April 23, 2010 at 6:13 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what honeymoon?? This is the first decision that has actually been followed thru with for this so-called "revitalization" - and they are already talking about a honeymoon?? I am still seeing poor leadership and lack of good judgement in the decisions made in coatesville...this riverwalk is embarrassing that the paperwork is an afterthought. Kennett Square has moved faster and got more done in a very short time- and it's looking good- yet coatesville continues to bicker and complain and back stab for years... hindering progress. I wouldn't be so bold as to use the term "honeymoon"... not until there is an actual "wedding" and the revitalization become a reality.

April 27, 2010 at 11:03 AM 

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